Friday, August 28, 2015

Smile. It's Friday :)

Happy Friday! Today's inspiration comes from IDEOnista Lisa!

For years, pain held her back as she wasn't able to push herself or work hard in her fitness goals. In Lisa's words, "It was like I was a ball of energy trapped in a body that just wasn't able to keep up with it." Now with the help of the IDEO, Lisa is doing more than she EVER imagined possible! She's been trying to master the pull-up forever (which is no easy task!) and since receiving the IDEO, she's been able to get not only one but two pull-ups -- take a look at the video below! While the IDEO has not physically made her upper body stronger, it has brought back the spark in her life that she needed. Lisa continues to push her limits and find new things to accomplish! YOU GO GIRL.

So make today amazing and go for your dreams. As Lisa shows, anything is possible with hard work and a positive attitude (& of course an IDEO) :)

Note: If video doesn't play on your mobile device, try it on your computer :)

#beYOU #beAMAZING #IDEOnista

Saturday, August 22, 2015

IDEOnista Spotlight: Lucy

Hi Everyone! Today, I have a very special post about an amazing IDEOnista friend of mine named Lucy. Not only will she wow you with her insightful perspective, positive attitude, and gracious spirit, but her words will remind you that sometimes the greatest gift is a transformation within.

How long have you had the IDEO? 10 months

How do you pair the IDEO with your outfits? I tend to wear skirts more now, with black leggings and socks in the winter, without leggings in the summer (I've found Australian Rules Football (AFL) socks work best - but not sure if they're sold outside Australia!). (Not sure either, but I'm going to have to check these out!) If I'm wearing pants, I skip the long socks and put a compression sleeve on over the knee clasp at the top. I wear the IDEOs on the outside of my skinny jeans and on the inside of baggy ones. It all depends, but there is always a way to make it work! (yes!!) When I perform in an orchestra, I wear a full-length gown and you would never know I had a pair of IDEOs underneath, except that I walk and stand so much better. (how cool is that?!) Because I have two IDEOs, I've often had people comment on my "cool boots", before explaining that they're not just a fashion statement, which just goes to show how seamlessly they can fit into an outfit. (LOVE THIS.)

Favorite shoe brand to wear with the IDEO: I wear my ASICS when I am exercising. At work, I've found Ecco shoes are best, but success can vary a lot from shoe to shoe, so I'm still trying new brands whenever I can. (I definitely want to try Ecco, too!)

Advice for other IDEOnista's: In my experience, things feel different than they look and it's the way things feel that is really the transformative part. I wondered before I got the IDEOs whether it might be difficult to wear them in terms of looks, but it hasn't even crossed my mind. Not being in pain is so transformative that it isn't even a decision. The way you feel is so much more important in life and as Beth shows on this blog - there is always a way to work the IDEO into any outfit! (That's right, there is always a way!)

What makes you feel confident in the IDEO? I feel stronger when I walk now. I stand upright and don't limp. I'm building strength in my legs that I've never had before in my life. This newfound strength has had a positive effect on my confidence in a way that I never anticipated. There is really interesting research into embodied cognition in the field of Psychology - the effect our body has on our mind - that I bet could offer some insight as to why changing your body's experience, with a set of IDEOs, also changes your mind. (Such a great insight...)

What is your proudest moment in the IDEO so far? Not sure whether it's managing to get them to look hip with a pair of jeans for the first time (haha YES!), finally beginning to walk up stairs fluently or doing my first real squat (the last two have really fed off each other - my muscles were so weak before I got the IDEOs!). A couple weeks ago, I participated in a 14km fun run  (for those who don't know (aka me), this is 8.7 miles!). This was the BEST. I wasn't entirely ready to run the whole 14km, I ran some, walked some, but most of all, I wasn't in pain. I could do it! (that's HUGE!)

City2Surf 14km - I DID IT!
Any special goals for 2015? My main goal this year was to make it to the end of the 14km City2Surf fun run in Sydney. I achieved this goal and although it's a huge achievement, it's just the beginning... :) (so proud! you go girl!)

How has the IDEO changed your life? It's the day-to-day stuff I notice the most. I genuinely couldn't wait to do my first fun run last week, but that's all icing. It's the everyday walking and standing and living not in pain that's really extraordinary. Like being able to perform music standing up without half of my attention being on pain and balancing. The IDEOs definitely add elegance to the way I walk, too. It feels like a huge weight has been lifted. And while as with anything, there is hard work and challenges along the way, most days have a lightness that wasn't there before. (this makes my heart happy!)

Favorite Quote: "Between stimulus and response there is space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom." - Viktor E. Frankl

What is the one thing you wish people knew about you? I practice mindfulness most days. I think this coupled with a set of IDEOs has really put me in a position where I am able to live each day, unlike ever before. (CARPE DIEM!)

Lucy's final words: Gratitude, gratitude, gratitude. Without the wonderful support, encouragement, and patience of people in my life and the amazing team in Gig Harbor, none of this would have been possible. (Amen sister. Amen.)

Thank you, Lucy for reminding us that receiving the IDEO is more than being given a device; it's a journey. A journey of body, mind and spirit and a realization of what it means to live life to the fullest.

#beYOU #beAMAZING #IDEOnista

Sunday, August 16, 2015

just some reminders that it's awesome to have an IDEO.

Most of us can say we spent weeks, months, or even years wondering if there was some type of technology or possibility out there to help with our injury & pain.... lo and behold, the IDEO! Today's post is about reminding you just how lucky we are to have it. There are many benefits of the IDEO, but here are 5 of my favorite!

1. You get to run, hike, and bike again! 

Giving people back their ability to be active is possibly one of the greatest benefits of the IDEO. Every time I enter a race, I look down at my device and am reminded of what a gift it truly is. #nolongeronthesidelines

2. You feel more confident than EVER that your life will not continue on in pain.

Before the IDEO, I had to face the fact that I may have to live in chronic pain. Nearly two years into the IDEO, I feel confident that pain does not control my life anymore. #byebyepainpills

3. You believe in the power of your dreams. #ICANDOTHIS!

During the hardest times with my injury, I remember thinking that I didn't know if I could really set goals for my life anymore. (Pain will do that to you!) Now with the IDEO, I almost have to curb my enthusiasm! I've been able to move cities, hike mountains, go on dates again, run adventure races, and train for a half-marathon (only six weeks away now!)! Life is back and dreams are important :) #HOLLA

4. You have the ability to make an impact on others.

You have the power to show people what it means to never give up. There have been times in races where someone will come up behind me and say, "You are an inspiration. Thank you." Recognize the power you have to make a difference in the world. When people see you giving your best and smiling despite the odds, they begin to see things differently in themselves too. #makeadifference

5. You embrace life with everything it has to offer.

If I could sum up how the IDEO has changed my life in one word it would be: LIFE-GIVING. (okay, two words haha!). The dictionary defines the word 'life-giving' as: revitalizing life & that's exactly what the IDEO has done for me! The IDEO gave me back my life and I haven't stopped embracing it since. #theCATALYST

BONUS: The IDEO can hold your coffee for you! #itsthelittlethings :)

be YOU. be AMAZING. IDEOnista.

Saturday, August 1, 2015

How to Answer Questions.

All of us at one time or another have been asked the question, "What happened to your leg?". Whether you're new to the IDEO or not, it's likely you've had some type of brace or device for an extended period of time and have been answering this question for quite awhile. Let's face it, people are curious. :) The IDEO doesn't fit the image of a regular brace, yet it's not a full prosthetic either, which leads people to believe that whatever is on your leg must be temporary and therefore, it's okay to ask. Here are a few questions I've been asked in the past week alone: "Is that for shin splints?" "Did you sprain your ankle?" "Oh, I have one of those." "Did you kick him back?" "Those are all the craze these days." "How did you hurt yourself?" "Were you wearing that last week?" "How much longer do you have to wear that?" "Ouch, what happened?" "Is that for your ankle?" "Are you in the military?" "What is that for?"

Having worn some type of brace/cast for a few years and now the IDEO for nearly two years, it's fair to say I probably answer these types of questions at least three times a day. I used to think I had to explain my story to everyone who asked, but recently I've come to the conclusion that I don't have to give a complete explanation to every single person, especially people I will never see again (aka random people in the elevator, grocery store, restaurants, clothing stores). It's taken me awhile to come to this realization that it's okay not to share all the details on my injury. Just because someone asks you, doesn't mean you have to give out your full story. It's okay to say: "It's a permanent injury..." and then just move on with your business (of course, keep smiling!).

On the flip fide, I'm more than happy to share my story with people I have relationships with or people who I can tell genuinely care. You can spot the difference between the people who ask because they are curious or ask because they genuinely care and want to know more about you. It's your body and your story, not anyone else's and because you will likely be answering these questions for a long time to come, it's important to have a game plan so that you don't feel emotionally invested every time someone asks you.

Looking back, when I first got injured, I didn't mind one bit random people asking me what happened, because to me the injury was temporary... but as time passed and my injury became more permanent, my mindset shifted to this is who I am now. I think once you get to the place where you accept that you have a permanent injury, you can move forward knowing that this a part of who you are and with that acceptance comes peace of mind and wisdom on how to respond.

#beYOU. #beAMAZING. #IDEOnista