Monday, January 26, 2015

January 26 | Week in Review

Happy Monday Everyone! I don't know about you guys but I'm super excited about this year and what is to come. ☺ If you put in the effort, anything is possible! I'm currently going on week 3 of my 10K training program with a local running store here in my hometown and LOVING it. Like I said last week, my goal this spring is to build up my core and really focus on my form. I think I may have started out too fast too soon last year (I have a tendency to push myself too hard!) which caused some IT band issues with my non-IDEO leg... so in 2015 I am starting with working on my form and core strength. #gettingstrongereveryday

This weekend I have a 5K planned and a wedding to go to so fun pictures to come! Can't wait to see how the IDEO fancies up for the black tie wedding in my floor length dress! So stay tuned...
My advice this week: Take time to reflect on how AMAZING it is that you are even able to walk without pain again, let alone RUN. We are so fortunate to have the technology of the IDEO. When I am out running and start to get tired and feel like stopping, I remind myself of all the pain and the times when I longed to just be able to run again... and it keeps me going. I smile because I am reminded each day of how much the IDEO has changed my life and that is something I will never take for granted. #IDEOstrong What are you grateful for?

Of course, I can't sign off without showing an outfit and a little inspiration. ☺
The IDEO looks pretty sleek here if I don't say so myself :)
Getting more flexible - feels good!
I run every chance that I have because to me it is a gift. ♥
 Have a great rest of the week! Never stop trying. #beAMAZING

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